Please use the comment section below to tell us what you thought about the 10th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty. You can tell also tell us about your own experiences while at the march. If you have photos or videos of the march, please leave a link to them in the comments so […]
Jeff Blackburn Cory Session, Brother of Timothy Cole Walter Reaves, Todd Willingham’s Appellate Lawyer Reginald Blanton’s Brother Anna Terrell, Mother of Reginald Blanton (1/2) Anna Terrell, Mother of Reginald Blanton (2/2) Herman (brother-in-law of Reginald Blanton), plus others, including supporters of Clinton Young, Connie Wright (Wife of Greg Wright), Gloria Rubac, Sandra Reed, Curtis McCarty, […]
Hundreds march in Austin, calling for a stop to the death penalty Oct 24, 2009 Hundreds of protestors marched down Congress Avenue from the State Capitol to Sixth Street and back on Saturday, calling for an end to the death penalty in Texas. Many carried signs with pictures of loved ones on death row. […]
06:15 AM CDT on Sunday, October 25, 2009 By STEVE ALBERTS KVUE News Hundreds rallied Saturday afternoon at the State Capitol as part of the 10th annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty. They came certain an innocent man was executed and called for an end to the death penalty. The protesters drew attention […]
Watch on YouTube. View on October 27, 2009 News for Austin, Texas KVUE Death penalty opponents Tuesday called for a moratorium on the death penalty in Texas, as the state prepared to execute another inmate. October 27th, 2009 KVUE’s Martin Bartlett reports Reginald Blanton was executed Tuesday evening. A San Antonio jury convicted Blanton […] AUSTIN — A crowd of anti-death penalty protestors, fueled by the controversy over the 2004 execution of Cameron Todd Willingham and changes to the Texas Forensic Science Commission that is looking into the case, gathered at the steps of the Capitol on Saturday for the 10th annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty. Dozens […]
DEATH PENALTY Protesters march to call for an end to executions Recent remarks by Perry fuel anti-death penalty rally. By Joshunda SandersAMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF Photos from Statesman Photographer Larry KolvoordSunday, October 25, 2009 Anti-death penalty protesters gathered at the Capitol on Saturday in part to voice their disapproval of Gov. Rick Perry’s remarks this month regarding […]
Texans rally against death penalty AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 25 (UPI) — Anti-execution activists say the state of Texas must end its death penalty practices. The 10th annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty held Saturday in Austin drew hundreds of anti-death penalty activists, many spurred by the case of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed […]
Hundreds gather to march against the death penalty 10/25/2009 10:39 AM By: Russell Wilde Hundreds united downtown to march against capital punishment. Cameron Todd Willingham was executed for starting the 1991 fire that killed his three children. Elizabeth Gilbert befriended Willingham while he was on death row and has been leading the effort to have […]